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New York Lawyer Legal Birds by Tweets Today

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Displaying 481 to 505 out of 505 [ All | Lawyers | Law Librarians | Academics ] Legal Birds
0 CC0 CF0 AC3 AF0 TT#481 TT
March 24, 2015 My first tweet.
0 CC0 CF0 AC5 AF0 TT#482 TT
April 2, 2015 If u were injured in a slip & fall or car accident contact our office today(732) 654-2020 #NewYork #NewJersey #accidents #nylawyer #njlawyer
April 2, 2015 If u had flood insurance and believe u were underpaid or denied please call our office today. #SuperstormSandy #FEMA #NY #NJ (732) 654-2020
0 CC5 CF171 AC459 AF0 TT#483 TT
October 14, 2016 Anti-Social Media: Cyber-Crime Prosecution Read More Here:
October 14, 2016 Strategic International Partnerships for Mid-Size Companies and Start-Ups. Don't be an SBA statistic. Read More Here
October 14, 2016 According to the SBA 50% of businesses fail in the first year and 95% fail in the first five years. Read More Here
June 9, 2016 Re-Fried Bankruptcy: Defeating the Serial Filer Prohibition Great article by Volks Anwalt
0 CC0 CF2 AC275 AF0 TT#484 TT
December 15, 2016 Looking to provide a guest post for an attorney, real estate, accounting, or business blog/website. Contact me if anyone is willing to assi…
September 21, 2016 The biggest mistake an entrepreneur can make is focus on metrics. What's better? 100 visits to your website in one day, or 10 visits in one…
September 20, 2016 The easiest way to ensure that today will be a productive day is by doing one simple exercise. Remind yourself of that one task you have be…
September 19, 2016 If you think an estate lawyer is drafting wills all day, you are dead wrong. The majority of our work deals with est…
0 CC0 CF0 AC1 AF0 TT#485 TT
July 25, 2016 Does your loved one have a #MentalHealthDisorder? Contact an elder law lawyer who understands mental health issues:
December 28, 2015 If you are in need of an #ElderLawAttorney, visit our website and learn how our firm can assist you:
September 4, 2015 Are you in need of an #ElderLaw #attorney, but don't know where to turn? Check out our blog for the help!
June 22, 2015 Visit our newly launched website for Nassau County Elder Law!
0 CC0 CF4 AC9 AF0 TT#486 TT
January 12, 2016 Triangle offense basics, for kids - YouTubedoaqkaoaqkqiiw
July 25, 2015 RT @JacksonBergman: Attorney Thomas D. Jackson Authors Chapter in New Authoritative Book on Defending DWI Cases in New York Jun 1,...
May 8, 2015 Picture day at JB Law.
0 CC0 CF0 AC2 AF0 TT#487 TT
July 9, 2015 my first tweet!
0 CC0 CF0 AC0 AF0 TT#488 TT
0 CC0 CF0 AC0 AF0 TT#489 TT
January 18, 2016 If you've been injured in a #CarAccident, then it is important for you to contact a #PersonalInjuryAttorney:
December 21, 2015 Do you have questions regarding you #PersonalInjuryClaim? Our attorneys are here to help you get answers:
November 12, 2015 If you or a loved one were injured in an accident, call our firm to get tough representation to recover damages!
August 17, 2015 Visit our newly launched Buffalo Personal Injury website!
0 CC0 CF0 AC1 AF0 TT#490 TT
September 11, 2015 @nytvideo @nytimes eary to see twin towers one moment and it disappears the next
August 28, 2015 We need sensible gun control. Too many good people are being killed.
June 26, 2015 @nytimes where do you actually print the newspapers that are distributed to New York?
June 16, 2015 What if #Caitlyn_Jenner_Arrested? Who in the #NYPD would search her? Male? Does #NYPD define @Caitlyn_Jenners gender?
0 CC1 CF5 AC25 AF0 TT#491 TT
December 3, 2015 There is nothing wrong with being prepared...What to Do in an Active Shooter Situation ( via @artofmanliness
0 CC0 CF0 AC0 AF0 TT#492 TT
0 CC0 CF0 AC0 AF0 TT#493 TT
0 CC0 CF3 AC9 AF0 TT#494 TT
October 16, 2015 I may be a die hard Yankees fan, but I'll give it up to the #mets for keeping it in the family. Let's. Go. Mets.
October 15, 2015 Be sure to check out our website -
October 11, 2015 I won't even tag Chase Utley, but I will remind everyone that it's not whether you win or lose. It's how you play the game.
0 CC0 CF2 AC3 AF0 TT#495 TT
March 22, 2016 DWI? No cash? No problem! The Bannister Law Firm, PLLC is now accepting most major credit cards.
0 CC0 CF0 AC1 AF0 TT#497 TT
0 CC0 CF2 AC5 AF0 TT#498 TT
February 29, 2016 Don't forget! It's a #leapyear, so today is still #February! March will have to wait a little longer.. #LeapYear2016
February 26, 2016 Since every #divorce is unique, some or all of these concerns may come into play: #Taxes
February 24, 2016 Negotiating a support agreement that will allow you to live after the #divorce is critical:
February 19, 2016 By thinking ahead, you can take steps to ease the transition for both you and your children: #Divorce #Attorney
0 CC1 CF1 AC6 AF0 TT#499 TT
February 25, 2017 @CharmianNeary Wow, you're really a racist. If you want to truly be progressive you will need to accept some violence from illegals.
March 6, 2016 Dan Abrams’ LawNewz Names Jeffrey Lichtman as One of the 38 Best Criminal Defense Attorneys in America
0 CC0 CF6 AC10 AF0 TT#501 TT
0 CC0 CF0 AC1 AF0 TT#502 TT
March 20, 2016 Call us today for our $350 Traffic Ticket Special! *For one ticket and you must have a clean license.
January 16, 2016 Check out our new site at
0 CC0 CF4 AC11 AF0 TT#503 TT
April 19, 2016 "Gorayeb le aconsejó a los trabajadores que si les pasa algo en sus sitios de empleo no se queden callados"
February 22, 2016 RT @mcaa: OSHA schedules meeting of the Federal Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health in February:
0 CC0 CF0 AC0 AF0 TT#504 TT