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Massachusetts Lawyer Legal Birds by Followers

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0 CC128 CF4,197 AC35,010 AF2 TT#1 AF
March 18, 2017 This is an example of a general warrant that I think is unconstitutional, but tempting to try:…
March 18, 2017 Tony @Webster has found a court ordering Google to divulge everyone who Googled a financial crime victim's name:
March 18, 2017 RT @EFF: If you're in Maryland, urge your state lawmakers to pass H.B. 1357 and keep university patents away from trolls.
0 CC1 CF3,001 AC25,258 AF0 TT#2 AF
March 14, 2017 Discount code 10% of ( RIN1462 )
May 17, 2008 Received alert 80, damn.
0 CC8 CF15 AC17,006 AF0 TT#3 AF
July 27, 2016 RT @ClintonNews: Watch LIVE: President Obama speaking at the #DemConvention
July 27, 2016 RT @ClintonNews: Watch LIVE: President Obama speaking at the #DemConvention
July 23, 2016 RT @ClintonNews: Watch LIVE: Hillary Clinton Announces Tim Kaine as her Vice Presidential Running Mate
0 CC711 CF1,525 AC13,527 AF9 TT#5 AF
March 21, 2017 RT @atlblog: ABA TECHSHOW Post-Mortem: Not Your Granddaddy’s Legal Tech Conference: (by @bobambrogi re: #ABATechshow)
March 20, 2017 .@margarethagan moderating hate crime event with baby in tow @SuffolkLawTech @CuroLegal @ABAesq
0 CC81 CF887 AC7,523 AF5 TT#6 AF
March 14, 2017 RT @agcrocker: The tweet that launched a thousand Bartnicki v. Vopper explainers
March 14, 2017 RT @NWSBoston: Here is the latest radar imagery for the past few hours. You can see the "snow hole" that was over RI and Eastern M…
March 7, 2017 RT @mattblaze: (Unsatisfying) bottom line: you can't be reliably secure against a state adversary, but it's still possible to improve security in practice.
March 7, 2017 RT @__apf__: A friendly reminder from James Mickens that if your threat model includes the Mossad, "YOU'RE STILL GONNA BE MOSSAD…
0 CC0 CF61 AC6,627 AF1 TT#7 AF
February 14, 2016 "@airjamaica35 @HisAndHers @HisAndHers @mike your hater lol" My hater is broken. It's so very cold here.
January 31, 2016 "@PriceIsRight Guest announcer @Mike has a great voice!" I also make a wonderful tomato focaccia and I'm beautiful.
January 31, 2016 @ATTCares I'm now using a travel SIM that I bought for $30 for 3GB! My AT&T contract expires in a few months. This is the last straw.
January 31, 2016 @ATTCares That's $54 for something that you should've sent me a text message about. I didn't know my Passport had expired a few days before!
0 CC455 CF2,876 AC5,853 AF0 TT#8 AF
July 21, 2016 RT @whitinglawgroup: We know how important #socialmedia is in our world! #FF @BarrettDavid
June 11, 2016 Seriously ... harmless .... @CCSocialScene
September 18, 2015 I'm playing new daily fantasy leagues at - come and join me!
0 CC303 CF1,852 AC4,670 AF1 TT#9 AF
March 23, 2017 The Gig Economy Celebrates Working Yourself to Death
March 23, 2017 RT @aliyajasmine: CNN's @VanJones68 on Trump: "The world cannot recover from 2 things: nuclear war & runaway catastrophic climate cha…
March 23, 2017 RT @catherinereach: Join me and @heidialexander tomorrow for "Tips and Tools for Ethical and Effective Law Firm Social Media Marketing"
March 23, 2017 From @TechRepublic Magnet provides great tool for controlling the Mac desktop.
0 CC149 CF827 AC4,483 AF0 TT#10 AF
March 14, 2017 Courts in Mass are closed today. Need to work from home.
February 6, 2017 From @BostonGlobe "The victory duck boat parade is Tuesday at 11 a.m., probably following the usual route" what other city has usual route?
January 29, 2017 Just switched to @lyft because they are good corp. citizens. #deleteuber
0 CC12 CF1,603 AC4,194 AF5 TT#11 AF
March 23, 2017 RT @WSJ: Jason Van Dyke is facing 16 counts of aggravated battery, one for each shot fired at Laquan McDonald
March 23, 2017 RT @tedlieu: The bigly threat from @realDonaldTrump: Pass disastrous #Trumpcare now or ... 24 million people will keep their hea…
0 CC203 CF878 AC3,934 AF2 TT#12 AF
March 17, 2017 Today's Post from Compliance Building -
March 16, 2017 RT @MikeScarcella: Bybee: 'The personal attacks on the distinguished district judge and our colleagues were out of all bounds.'…
0 CC301 CF1,643 AC3,342 AF0 TT#13 AF
March 14, 2017 RT @NickKristof: So what GOP "health reform" amounts to is a big tax break for the rich--and less coverage and increased risk of death for ordinary people.
March 14, 2017 RT @RepSwalwell: DOJ deadline has come & passed. No evidence of @BarackObama wiretapping @realDonaldTrump. It was a smoke bomb to distract #TrumpRussia ties.
March 14, 2017 RT @RezaBreakstone: A little snow removal primer for property owners. #masnow #masnowday #BWG Law #snow #blizzard
March 14, 2017 RT @bwglawboston: Questions about MA snow removal law on a day like today? Atty David White explains. @Bostonattorney #bosnow #masnow
0 CC167 CF2,149 AC2,790 AF1 TT#14 AF
March 17, 2017 If you're a habitual speeder, here are some #FAQs you may want to know:
March 15, 2017 Hold your head up high, and keep moving forward. #OberhauserLaw
March 14, 2017 It is important to #knowyourrights when you are being questioned by the police.
0 CC237 CF891 AC2,602 AF0 TT#16 AF
March 21, 2017 RT @NYDailyNews: Tomorrow's front page... THE FIGHTER Brash News legend Jimmy Breslin gave voice to the cit…
March 21, 2017 Nothing more need be said than: agreed.
March 19, 2017 Sad news for those of us who are (or once were) New Yorkers . . .
0 CC238 CF678 AC2,585 AF0 TT#17 AF
March 15, 2017 "What Does YOUR Handwriting Say About You? [INFOGRAPHIC]"
March 14, 2017 "We Finally Know What Joe Biden's Favorite Obama–Biden Bromance Meme Is" this makes me smile ????
March 14, 2017 "Combating link rot: U.S. Supreme Court Web Citations"
0 CC246 CF838 AC1,813 AF1 TT#19 AF
March 23, 2017 RT @OnlyInBOS: Today is the 1st day that the sun will set at 7pm. Sunsets this year will remain after 7pm until September. Me...
0 CC101 CF553 AC1,582 AF0 TT#21 AF
March 22, 2017 This is a list of B'Tselem Reports from 2001-2014 documenting Israel's Violations of Human Rights of Palestinians
March 22, 2017 US Israel & UN didn't issue a factual rebuttal to Israel apartheid report. When facts against you, delete the report
March 22, 2017 Do you think an election can be invalidated because the candidate is a snake oil salesman?
March 20, 2017 US House Hearing on Trump Campaign collusion with Russia drip ....... drip ........ drip ..........
0 CC67 CF561 AC1,458 AF0 TT#22 AF
March 20, 2017 RT @hispanictips: Trump's DHS Rolls Out Public Shaming Campaign Against 'Sanctuary Cities'
March 20, 2017 RT @Kasparov63: The house is on fire, Trump is running around with a box of matches, and the GOP demands to know who called the fire department.
March 20, 2017 RT @Kasparov63: Putin is waging disinformation war & cyberwar on the US, with proven success, and has the American party in power's help in covering it up.
0 CC75 CF691 AC1,441 AF0 TT#23 AF
December 29, 2016 #UDRP lathamwatkins[dot]com why did it take 11 years to file?
November 3, 2016 Sacked! Green Bay Packers lose #UDRP totalpackers (dot] com. Discussion of laches in #UDRP context #trademarks
September 13, 2016 Celebrity #UDRP of the day: transfer of johncusack[dot]com. #trademarks Only took 13 years!
0 CC121 CF502 AC1,378 AF0 TT#25 AF
March 13, 2017 RT @SenWarren: Throwing 24 million people off their health care to give billionaires a tax break is heartless & irresponsible. We cannot pass #Trumpcare.
March 13, 2017 RT @ChrisMurphyCT: FYI, House GOP handpicked the CBO director. Their own guy is the one saying the bill is a humanitarian catastrophe waiting to happen.
March 9, 2017 Congress needs a caring physician for Utah's 3rd District. Bye, bye Jason Chaffetz! Let's help elect Kathryn Allen!
March 6, 2017 RT @GeorgeTakei: Trump has come for the judiciary, U.S. intelligence, the press, and now the former president. All will it take is a few true GOP patriots...
0 CC154 CF109 AC1,323 AF0 TT#26 AF
December 21, 2016 Now what I want most is the power to heal b/c Ive seen death and pain. I realize compassion and healing is the most powerful weapon of all
December 21, 2016 As I grew older, the superpower I wanted the most was strength and invincibility because I was fighting against bullies.
December 21, 2016 When I was young, the superpower I wanted the most was flight because I was just learning to stretch my wings.
December 21, 2016 Just keep swimming …
0 CC104 CF353 AC1,270 AF0 TT#27 AF
November 29, 2016 The process of filing a consumer bankruptcy case, reduced to an informational graphic. #chapter7 #chapter13
November 23, 2016 Thanks @VRGWebDesign for our cool new infographic on how someone files for #bankruptcy
September 2, 2016 Calculator to determine when you have to file your employment discrimination case or loose the right forever #SOL
0 CC103 CF125 AC1,087 AF0 TT#28 AF
March 22, 2017 Does this mean I have to buy a record player?
March 20, 2017 Why are there so many good writing conferences that I want to attend??
March 20, 2017 Remember when just hoping that the Russians loved their children, too, could make us feel better? We need a new song from @OfficialSting
March 20, 2017 Remember when just hoping that the Russian's loved their children, too, was enough to make us feel better?
0 CC40 CF89 AC1,018 AF0 TT#29 AF
March 10, 2017 RT @Phil_Lewis_: The best interview of 2017. Hands down. ????????????
March 4, 2017 RT @WCVB: ICYMI: Subway's oven roasted chicken only 50 percent chicken, DNA test shows
March 3, 2017 No one gets married thinking divorce is right around the corner. #massachusettsdivorce #divorce
0 CC47 CF154 AC984 AF0 TT#30 AF
March 16, 2017 Six good books to read on topic of substance use disorder - Ruth Potee @SafeCoalitionMA
March 16, 2017 ACE scores are great predictors of how people affected in their life; helps provide better medical care - Ruth Pote…
March 16, 2017 Adult life outcomes affected by marijuana use in adolescence - Ruth Potee @SafeCoalitionMA
March 16, 2017 The teenage brain is all about looking for the heard - Ruth Potee @SafeCoalitionMA
0 CC58 CF505 AC935 AF0 TT#31 AF
February 26, 2017 Enter for a chance to WIN one year of free personal training! Prizes valued at $4,000.
October 20, 2015 #Clio rocks! Can't wait to implement what I learned at #cliocloud9.
October 20, 2015 #cliocloud9 Awesome Clio Conference. Thank you #JackNewton and #teamclio!
October 19, 2015 #cliocloud9 Let your passion shine through your brand.
0 CC98 CF133 AC921 AF0 TT#32 AF
March 7, 2017 I'm going to La La Land In Concert: A Live-to-film Celebration and I'm sitting in SEC D, row 4 seat 2!
February 2, 2017 “Judicial order says immigrants and refugees can land in BOS; [AIRLINE] pls #letthemfly #openboston”“
January 15, 2017 TEN NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS FOR CONTRACTORS At the end of the year I think about the disputes I’ve handled, and...
January 11, 2017 Ten New Year's Resolutions for Contractors-2017
0 CC79 CF654 AC824 AF0 TT#33 AF
March 16, 2017 In short, it would provide defense a terrific claim on appeal that could result in the SJC reversing murder 1 conviction, if found guilty
March 16, 2017 Unless accompanied by #Hernandez' own statement of meaning , it would be speculative, interpretive, foundation-less and highly prejudicial
March 16, 2017 Scratching my head since Judge indicated in hearing last month may be open to evidence of #AaronHernandez tattoos as possible confession
0 CC100 CF0 AC741 AF0 TT#34 AF
May 14, 2014 Backyard trampolines and injuries
May 13, 2014 RT @Daily_Press: Man dies in Virginia Beach auto-pedestrian accident
May 12, 2014 Older drivers, medication use and impaired driving
May 12, 2014 RT @ABC57News: Two road construction workers killed: Two road construction workers were killed on I-69 near Indianapolis Frid...
0 CC95 CF198 AC684 AF1 TT#36 AF
March 17, 2017 RT @The_MIP: Opinion | Another judge rules in favor of bite mark evidence, for the same misguided reasons
March 13, 2017 Kids are always the worst drivers, not specific to this generation. But more distractions likely exacerbates the pr…
0 CC49 CF152 AC650 AF4 TT#37 AF
March 15, 2017 RT @LawyerCat_: Opposing counsel has objected to every single one of my document requests as "overboard"
March 14, 2017 RT @JusticeWillett: "The branch with the costumes," says my daughter. ??????????
March 14, 2017 RT @lifehacker: There's a clever Gmail phishing scam going around. Here's what to look out for:
March 14, 2017 RT @mysouthborough: Two hour delay for Northborough and Southborough schools tomorrow.
0 CC25 CF135 AC645 AF0 TT#38 AF
March 2, 2017 RT @WITXLR8: Remember PATENTS 101 with Patent Attorney Cynthia Gilbert @blueshiftip is happening in T-30 minutes!
February 7, 2017 Hyperion Law is now @blueshiftip - looking forward to continuing the conversation on technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and patents!
January 30, 2017 RT @marty_walsh: Boston is a compassionate, strong & welcoming city, and we will never turn our backs on those who helped build our…
January 7, 2017 RT @ipwatchdog: Estimating US patent costs is a difficult, but here is some guidance on the Cost of Obtaining a Patent in the US.
0 CC24 CF169 AC638 AF0 TT#39 AF
August 4, 2011 @MassGovernor Dear Governor Patrick, a multi-year delay on the green-line extension across Somerville is not an acceptable option.
July 27, 2011 Thanks, Cyntia (@HyperionLaw). I had gone so long without blogging, I appreciate the comments.
July 27, 2011 New blog post: "This American Life" on patents:
July 26, 2011 Flying Jet Blue to DC soon for some examiner interviews at the USPTO. #TrueBlueJackpot - maybe win some ff points.
0 CC68 CF253 AC605 AF0 TT#40 AF
March 18, 2017 RT @Legal_Alerts: 50/50 Ownership Relationships can be Trouble, Plan Ahead | by @Holland_Knight
December 15, 2016 @rodneydowell Thanks for the RT! Hope you are well and enjoy your holidays.
November 20, 2016 RT @RyanTAnd: This is why the media isn't trusted. Full quote: "I'm not gonna rule out anything, but we're not gonna have a regis…
November 10, 2016 RT @CanoeKayakMag: Finding those quiet moments in nature is what paddling in the #BWCA is all about. Check out our photo essay presen…