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Immigration Law Lawyer Legal Birds by Connections

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Displaying 281 to 320 out of 527 [ All | Lawyers | Law Librarians | Academics ] Legal Birds
0 CC5 CF18 AC49 AF0 TT#281 AC
March 5, 2017 RT @MikeGrunwald: Shocking that the guy who said Obama wasn't American and Obama founded ISIS would say something nutty and false about Obama.
March 4, 2017 RT @RepPerlmutter: The American people deserve to know the truth about the Trump Administration’s ties to Russia. We won’t settle for less. #DoYourJob
March 4, 2017 RT @JasonKander: A 70-year old man who watches 6 hours of TV a day, plays lots of golf, and always seems to be in Florida is a retiree, not a President.
0 CC0 CF17 AC25 AF0 TT#282 AC
January 31, 2013 Every single day that passes brings us closer to immigration reform.
January 5, 2013 Happy New Year
December 24, 2012 Merry Christmas to everybody! Feliz Navidad para todos.
August 10, 2012 Individuals may begin to request consideration of deferred action and work permits for childhood arrivals on August 15, 2012.
0 CC0 CF17 AC34 AF0 TT#283 AC
July 6, 2015 Congratulations to Filipe Pedroso for his invitation to join the elite NATIONAL TRIAL LAWYERS: TOP…
June 23, 2015 Stay safe friends. Serious weather expected in the tri-state area this early evening. Here's a…
June 12, 2015 Beautiful day outside the Bergen County Courthouse. It looks even nicer when you look back at it…
April 27, 2015 Every year I'm blessed and proud to get many awards, but none make me feel better than when I'm…
0 CC2 CF17 AC80 AF0 TT#284 AC
February 7, 2017 Time will tell, hearing on EO today in 9th Cir. CA. Likely headed to SCOTUS.
February 7, 2017 Revoking all Global Entry memberships to individuals from excluded countries. Bigger concern is if this is based on something else...cont
February 7, 2017 Most of those individuals are LPRs from countries on the EO exclusion list. Would not be surprised if CBP issued a new policy after EO..cont
February 7, 2017 I help clients appeal Global Entry denials. I've been getting an unusual number of calls from individuals getting revocation notices...cont
0 CC10 CF16 AC75 AF0 TT#285 AC
February 23, 2010 s happy to help today. What can I do for you?
February 22, 2010 | I don't have a cushy job, but I do have a cushy seat.
February 22, 2010 calculating a potential sentence using sentencing guidelines, wondering how MD manages to sentence minorities longer in spite of guidelines.
June 29, 2011 Hey friends! I've got a potential federal work compensation claim case sitting at my desk. PC would like to find a good attorney in the DC …
0 CC4 CF16 AC37 AF0 TT#286 AC
June 21, 2013 See my answer on @Avvo to: Third party registration of an unregistered Trademark #trademark
June 18, 2013 Please see my answer on @Avvo to: How do I sever a membership in an LLC? The other... #limitedliabilitycompany
May 15, 2013 Please see my answer on @Avvo to: Sued for credit card debt. Plaintiff withdraws the case. Can it ... #lawsuits
April 29, 2013 Please check out my answer on @Avvo to: Is having a paper notarized legal in court of law? #divorce
0 CC1 CF16 AC40 AF1 TT#287 AC
May 23, 2016 #VISAE1 #E1visa La visa E-1 te permite vivir y trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos.
April 26, 2016 Esta semana, presentacion de EB-5 en Guatemala. Mas informacion #eb5 #Guatemala #guatemala
April 11, 2016 #DAPA #DACA Indocumentada a la Corte Suprema: “Sólo quiero superarme para darle mejor vida a mis hijos”
March 29, 2016 Los beneficios de ser ciudadano estadounidense
0 CC1 CF16 AC46 AF0 TT#288 AC
March 10, 2017 The price immigrants are paying for their freedom
March 4, 2017 Will deportation threats deconstruct the construction industry?
February 25, 2017 When is harboring an immigrant not considered harboring?
February 20, 2017 Are legal conflicts clouding Texas immigration law?
0 CC2 CF16 AC57 AF2 TT#289 AC
March 6, 2017 At the Federal Courthouse in Beaumont preparing for a sentencing for client.
October 18, 2016 For my South Texas College of Law colleagues.
0 CC1 CF16 AC52 AF0 TT#290 AC
March 21, 2017 Our upgraded website is now live. We hope you all like #Immigration #experts #London #Atlanta – Davies Legal
March 15, 2017 Trump travel ban: new order blocked nationwide by Hawaii court – live | US news | The Guardian
March 15, 2017 RT @UKinAtlanta: The UK is a diverse country & attracts 10% of the world's international students who come to study at one of our ma…
0 CC3 CF15 AC21 AF0 TT#291 AC
0 CC7 CF15 AC56 AF1 TT#292 AC
February 6, 2017 What does President Trump’s executive order on immigration restrictions actually do? The question is being asked...
February 6, 2017 What does President Trump’s executive order on immigration restrictions actually do?
June 14, 2016 The U.S. Supreme Court term ends this month. This case isn't just about DAPA and expanded DACA. There are very...
0 CC1 CF15 AC36 AF0 TT#293 AC
March 14, 2017 Hemos recibido llamadas de gente en varios estados. En ciertos tipos de casos se recomienda hablar con alguien en...
March 14, 2017 Nueva Publicacion por AILA "Conozca Sus Derechos: Si ICE Lo Para En Publico"
March 14, 2017 Nueva publicacion "Conozca Sus Derechos: Si ICE Visita Su Hogar". Por favor comparte con sus amigos, amistades, y...
March 3, 2017 If you think the police might have added you or anyone you know to their gang database, please contact the...
0 CC10 CF14 AC71 AF0 TT#294 AC
July 19, 2011 Amy M. Meier and Ashley Morgan with Lance A. Platt at SFST Training in San Antonio
July 19, 2011 I posted 3 photos on Facebook in the album "SFST Training 2011"
February 1, 2010 Reinstatement Fees…A Golden Egg for the State, A Golden Pile of $&!% for the Rest of Us: When you are charged with...
October 17, 2016 Brad J. Williams with Dr. Harold McNair, an icon of modern chromatography, at Axion Analytical Laboratories, Inc....
0 CC1 CF14 AC24 AF0 TT#295 AC
November 20, 2012 Happy Holidays from the Law Office of Wiliani-Malek! Thank you for all your love and support!
October 30, 2012 Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy. May the recovery be quick!
October 19, 2012 Job Opening!! Know an experienced immigration paralegal?? Send us your resume, cover letter, writing sample and salary requirements!
October 18, 2012 Check out our fresh new website! Changing our image and it feels so good!
0 CC1 CF14 AC28 AF0 TT#296 AC
October 26, 2015 RT @EmpireMockTrial: We will find out in just a couple of hours!! #Empire15 #EmpireNY
October 26, 2015 Thoughts and prayers! Wyoming Seminary competing for World Champions title #EmpireMockTrial #EmpireNY
October 26, 2015 Congratulations to Wyoming Seminary #EmpireMocktrial
August 7, 2014 See my answer on @Avvo to: If L1 visa is terminated, can we stay on B2 Visa for a period of time ?
0 CC1 CF13 AC31 AF0 TT#297 AC
December 2, 2015 Comparing Syria-Turkey Border to Mexico-US Border is downright outlandish -
November 27, 2015 High influx of children coming to America alone. - via @Shareaholic
0 CC1 CF13 AC23 AF0 TT#298 AC
February 13, 2016 Avoid @StLukesHealth ER. Been here over six hours, no one has read CT scan and they can't find a radiologist
April 22, 2015 RT @IdahoStPolice: Citizens watched as #troopers wipe tears & wait for family with a 4 year old after his mother was arrested for DUI.
November 21, 2014 RT @NILC_org: Be on the lookout for notario fraud. Learn more at via @AILANational #GoBigObama #ImmigrationAction
0 CC2 CF13 AC45 AF0 TT#299 AC
March 23, 2017 I liked a @YouTube video Tim Gavin - Goldfish - 1994
March 22, 2017 I liked a @YouTube video One Shining Moment (Luther Vandross Version)
March 20, 2017 I liked a @YouTube video from @thenineclubshow Eli Reed | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 40
March 20, 2017 I liked a @YouTube video Family Guy - Peter Gets STUCK in his TRUCK
0 CC13 CF12 AC153 AF0 TT#301 AC
June 20, 2011 In a ruling that raises new barriers to class action lawsuits against large nationwide companies, the Supreme...
April 15, 2011 Emails between client and attorney are NOT privileged communications when sent on employee's work email account,...
January 22, 2011 The amount employers are required to withhold from employee paychecks to fund Social Security will be temporarily...
January 21, 2011 Ms. Post humbly announces that she was recognized again as one of this year's Pennsylvania Rising Star by Super...
0 CC2 CF12 AC152 AF0 TT#302 AC
September 2, 2016 The #WhiteHouse proposes a new rule, which would benefit immigrant entrepreneurs.
September 1, 2016 The EB-5 visa may be a better alternative than the F-1 visa, for Indian nationals who want to study in the US.
August 31, 2016 Despite the fee increase for L-1 and H-1B visas, there has been no drop in the number of applications from India.
August 30, 2016 The US temporarily freezes the EB-1 visa for India and China as applications exceed the limits.
0 CC1 CF12 AC31 AF0 TT#303 AC
January 17, 2016 BUSINESS IMMIGRATION NEWS UPDATE: DHS Enhances Opportunities for Some Nonimmigrants and Certain EB1 Immigrants.
June 24, 2015 DHS has designated Nepal for TPS for an eighteen-month period effective June 24, 2015.
0 CC1 CF12 AC21 AF0 TT#304 AC
June 16, 2016 just completed 12 minutes of meditation with @InsightTimer.
February 19, 2013 White House "leaked" immigration reform bill, which would create a new prospective class of intending immigrants protecting you from removal
January 8, 2013 USCIS announced that the new provisional waiver will start on March 4 allowing families to stay together when overcoming unlawful presence.
0 CC1 CF12 AC68 AF0 TT#305 AC
February 6, 2017 Y'all make my heart sing -- thank you so much for your wonderful birthday wishes. Much Love, Alice
February 1, 2017 MESSAGE IN RESPONSE TO RECENT EXECUTIVE ORDERS Dear friends throughout our immigrant communities, We care...
January 26, 2017 Most of you know that I am an immigration attorney and this has been a difficult 24 hours for my clients. My...
January 26, 2017 Immigrants Rights are Human Rights. . . I am heartened by the outpouring of response to the recent Executive...
0 CC0 CF12 AC23 AF3 TT#306 AC
January 28, 2017 The lawsuits have begun against President Trump and DHS.
January 11, 2017 I was in Immigration Court this morning, and this is true, my asylum clients have a difficult road ahead.
January 5, 2017 Great news for DACA/Dreamer students who are guaranteed in-state tuition fees in all states based on this ruling
0 CC0 CF11 AC72 AF0 TT#307 AC
January 12, 2017 Big changes proposed for EB-5 program! Regular minimum investment to increase from $1 M to $1.8 M! TEA investment: $500K to $1.35 M!
December 3, 2015 Give Me a Try!!! #SnowShow15 & #GoWombats
December 3, 2015 @Go963MN Gonna be a great night! Already wearing my Wombats t-shirt!
September 30, 2015 The State Department has announced the registration period for DV-2017 (Diversity Visa Program or green card lottery). It starts tomorrow!
0 CC4 CF11 AC70 AF1 TT#309 AC
March 10, 2016 I posted 11 photos on Facebook in the album "The Rubin Law Firm Office"
February 10, 2016 The Rubin Law Firm is a 2016 A+ Rated Business
January 8, 2016 What Happens If Two Driverless Cars Crash?
January 8, 2016 What Happens If Two Driverless Cars Crash?
0 CC4 CF11 AC57 AF0 TT#311 AC
March 15, 2017 Can I Become a US Citizen If I Voted Illegally? - Last month, the New York Times reported the conviction of Ros...
March 11, 2017 RT @awernick: IMMIGRANT RIGHTS: Keep your money safe regardless of status
March 8, 2017 Do Traffic Tickets in New Jersey Have To Be Mentioned On An Application For US Citizenship?
March 1, 2017 "Your Papers Please!" | Those Not Here For Two Years May Be Deported Without Court
0 CC2 CF11 AC1,046 AF0 TT#312 AC
October 26, 2016 Immigration to Increase Fees after Election.
October 26, 2016 Check out my new blog post -
February 15, 2016 Please see our new video!
0 CC1 CF11 AC31 AF0 TT#313 AC
February 24, 2017 I am a Judge. Well I am a @crossfit Judge. Good luck to everyone in the @crossfitopen. Here to serve you as your bu…
February 21, 2017 Reading Richard Branson's book and came across this quote. This inspires me to remember why I started. Why did you…
February 19, 2017 Taking a little break from my cases. Hope you can do the same. Diego hopes everyone is having a great #Sunday.…
February 18, 2017 Just a reminder for next week to keep going and learning. Questions about your #business? @samuelbeckett
0 CC9 CF10 AC74 AF0 TT#314 AC
July 31, 2015 Do not leave things to chance, establish what happens to your estate with us. #wills #estateplanning
July 29, 2015 Falling into debt can be easier than you think. If you are facing charges for your debt, contact us....
May 15, 2015 Verizon and Sprint to pay back their Michigan customers for unnecessary "cramming" charges,
January 10, 2015 @HostMonsterHelp I've called yesterday evening and now also on hold now. These wait times suck. My site is down
0 CC10 CF10 AC360 AF0 TT#315 AC
March 17, 2017 Attorney Ashwin Sharma was interviewed by the Jax Business Journal in its cover story on H-1B visas
March 10, 2017 AILA: No Matter How Written, a Muslim and Refugee Ban Won’t Make U.S. Safe
0 CC0 CF10 AC41 AF0 TT#316 AC
November 27, 2015 Chapter on Aviation Law in Greece - Valmas & Associates - Greek Law Firm,
October 14, 2015 A Guide to Residence Permits for real estate owners in Greece - Greek Law Firm, Greek Lawyers
January 3, 2015 We wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!
0 CC2 CF10 AC23 AF0 TT#318 AC
July 18, 2011 @ABAJournal Our firm was also targeted by this scam. Because the scammers appear to be outside the US, there's little that we could do.
July 2, 2011 Join us at El Rematito in Modesto today. We're celebrating Independence Day and helping people become citizens. #immigration
January 29, 2017 RT @MattJClaiborne: .@lyft announces it will give $1 mil to @ACLU over the next 4 years.
January 28, 2017 Two lawyers allowed in at SFO after judge stays ban! They #letthelawyersin, now they need to #letthefamiliesout
0 CC12 CF10 AC48 AF0 TT#319 AC
August 5, 2011 Do you Represent any client that walks through your doors? How do you screen??
August 4, 2011 The Effects of Divorce on Children
August 4, 2011 RT @NELBostonCSO: READ: 5 LinkedIn Tips That Lawyers May Not Know
0 CC1 CF10 AC59 AF0 TT#320 AC
March 18, 2017 Trump had a great meeting with Merkel - fake news!
March 16, 2017 Maryland Federal District Court just ruled against Trump on key section of his unconstitutional travel ban.
March 16, 2017 RT @ACLU: BREAKING: Federal judge in Hawaii halts version 2.0 of President Trump's Muslim Ban. More to come. #NoBanNoWallNoRaids
March 16, 2017 Trump's travel and refugee ban ruled unconstitutional again.