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Criminal Law Lawyer Legal Birds by Tweets Today

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Displaying 321 to 360 out of 2191 [ All | Lawyers | Law Librarians | Academics ] Legal Birds
0 CC3 CF15 AC101 AF0 TT#321 TT
February 15, 2017 Love the @TommyG comparison of dating DFS vs. marrying DFS. Tommy, can you do an entire show on this?? #fantasyguruelite
January 17, 2017 Super interview just now on Sirius/xm with @TommyG and @tydillon. Great down to earth honest interview!!
November 30, 2016 Shout out to @GuruEliteDFS for their outstanding work. The NHL and NBA articles are the best in the business.
August 19, 2016 roadblocks everywhere in st. johns county all weekend, be careful!!!
0 CC117 CF322 AC806 AF0 TT#322 TT
March 18, 2017 Immigration judges headed to 12 U.S. cities to speed deportations, including Bloomington, MN
March 18, 2017 RT @SenBookerOffice: By law, we keep 34,000 people locked up daily in immigration detention facilities to fill quota. Who benefits? Priv…
March 16, 2017 RT @NILC_org: The courts have spoken not once, not twice, but many times. No amount of tweaking will undo the discriminatory intent behind the #MuslimBan.
March 15, 2017 RT @JDSupra: Maryland judge to issue ruling in lawsuit challenging Trump travel ban
0 CC30 CF6 AC285 AF0 TT#323 TT
March 6, 2017 RT @BruceBartlett: Take Nixon in the deepest days of his Watergate paranoia, subtract 50 IQ points, add Twitter, and you have Trump today.
February 16, 2017 RT @KSTP: MORE on decision that officer charged in Pilando Castile will go to trial
February 13, 2017 RT @PatrickRuffini: For my money still the best Lincoln quote.
January 31, 2017 Sex Abuse Victim Speaks Out After Religious Cult Leaves Minnesota
0 CC97 CF324 AC928 AF0 TT#324 TT
March 20, 2016 Mok
November 27, 2015 NuDock Mini, looks super exciting!
November 21, 2015 @SOULTRIPPIN70 good advice. Let me know if you find any new details? Thanks!
November 21, 2015 @SOULTRIPPIN70 thank you. And no, no one is quarantined that I can tell. All seems to be business as usual on the ship.
0 CC49 CF174 AC603 AF0 TT#326 TT
March 20, 2017 RT @lawentrepreneur: Going Solo in a Rural Area? Who says it can't be done successfully? Listen to Ep. 29 with Jeff Alford.
March 19, 2017 Everyone (minus @RachelAl456 ) is home so it's a little taste of the islands tonight with spicy pineapple chicken and stir fried noodles.
March 16, 2017 RT @MichaelSkolnik: Trump wants to cut funding for Sesame Street. If Melania lived with Donald, we could pay for every show on PBS and NPR for the entire year.
March 16, 2017 RT @MichaelSkolnik: Trump wants to eliminate funding for "Meals on Wheels." If Melania lived with Donald, we could pay for "Meals on Wheels" for 487 years.
0 CC11 CF0 AC215 AF0 TT#327 TT
0 CC2 CF29 AC833 AF0 TT#328 TT
March 21, 2017 RT @CareerAnatomy: Listen to our latest interview on YouTube with Producer, Cary Quinn: #careeranatomy
March 21, 2017 Put together a monthly crossword puzzle. Give it your best shot!:
March 21, 2017 Decided to put together a monthly crossword puzzle. Still working on formatting, but give it a peak if interested:
0 CC1 CF40 AC96 AF0 TT#329 TT
March 12, 2017 RT @davidaxelrod: Isn't it telling that a guy who's spent his entire life putting his name on things now insists that @GOP plan not be called Trumpcare?
March 5, 2017 RT @kashanacauley: It's starting to feel like men are just too emotional to be president.
March 3, 2017 RT @atlblog: Jeff Sessions Is In Trouble Because He Made A Rookie Lawyer Mistake
February 20, 2017 These aren't his words. Not written in his style.
0 CC9 CF163 AC662 AF0 TT#330 TT
March 8, 2017 "Whether the attacks come from the right or the left, they show a persistent anger toward women who step outside...
March 7, 2017 Any attorneys want to volunteer to coach the Germantown High School Mock Trial team? I enjoy having the...
March 4, 2017 Why are all these digital assistants women? Are there other options? #901law
March 3, 2017 MEP says women 'must earn less than men' because they are 'weaker and less intelligent'
0 CC10 CF21 AC181 AF0 TT#331 TT
0 CC4 CF97 AC149 AF0 TT#332 TT
March 22, 2017 Establishment Reacts To Justice Democrats via @YouTube
March 22, 2017 I liked a @YouTube video from @theyoungturks Establishment Reacts To Justice Democrats
March 11, 2017 Coming spring 2018, boffo new reality show, "Supreme Death Panel", another Mark Burnett/Donald Trump co-production…
0 CC73 CF608 AC11,278 AF0 TT#333 TT
0 CC63 CF309 AC349 AF0 TT#334 TT
November 10, 2008 Depos early am. Tonight... Drinks with buddies. I am either reckless, stupid or really good. We'll se tomorrow.
November 9, 2008 I have a love-hate relationship with trials. I hate them on Sundays and love them once I am in the action.
November 3, 2008 @mkastrab I couldn't agree more. Please research your candidates before you vote. Takes 15 min max.
November 3, 2008 Proud to report that my partner and I are shutting down our office all day tomorrow to serve as observers
0 CC4 CF38 AC82 AF0 TT#335 TT
0 CC18 CF118 AC242 AF0 TT#336 TT
March 23, 2017 SCOTUS next week to look at governmental misconduct through the lens of kids turned men locked up for decades
March 22, 2017 'Norfolk 4' sailors pardoned by Virginia governor - ABC News - via @ABC
March 19, 2017 RT @FairPunishment: Prosecutors Made Massachusetts’ Drug Lab Scandal Much, Much Worse
March 15, 2017 Oxford comma wins.
0 CC48 CF102 AC333 AF0 TT#337 TT
July 26, 2011 Goodwin Liu Nominated to California Supreme Court
July 18, 2011 Heading to LA tomorrow for a court hearing in a commercial trucking case. I represent the trucking company.
July 15, 2011 Interesting article in the WSJ on Tweeting for Lawyers 101:
July 13, 2011 Resolved a securities matter today. 9 hours of negotiations to reach a settlement.
0 CC1 CF12 AC61 AF0 TT#338 TT
December 20, 2016 RT @cnnbrk: Gunman who killed the Russian ambassador to Turkey in Ankara was off-duty police officer, a Turkish official says…
December 20, 2016 RT @nypost: BREAKING: Berlin police say at least 9 killed, many injured after a truck slammed into a Christmas market (@AP)
December 20, 2016 RT @BreakingF24: #BREAKING - Russian ambassador to Turkey dies of gunshot wounds, RIA news agency reports
December 20, 2016 RT @CNN: BREAKING: Multiple people are dead, at least 50 hurt, in Berlin truck incident, police say
0 CC1 CF0 AC6 AF0 TT#340 TT
October 19, 2016 He's gonna make me keep wearing this! @rodryanshow Trying to win Blue October tickets for my daughter.…
October 19, 2016 Excuse me sir, I need at least two tickets! @rodryanshow Trying to win Blue October tickets for my daughter.…
October 19, 2016 Did I say please! I need at least two tickets! @rodryanshow Trying to win Blue October tickets for my daughter.…
October 19, 2016 Please! Excuse me sir, I need at least two tickets! @rodryanshow Trying to win Blue October tickets for my daughter…
0 CC4 CF8 AC120 AF0 TT#341 TT
March 17, 2017 The big tax cut could potentially save President Trump millions via @WSJ
March 15, 2017 RT @GoodmanESPN: Cal has issued statement that Cuonzo Martin has resigned. Sources told ESPN he is expected to take Missouri job.
0 CC7 CF61 AC195 AF0 TT#342 TT
March 18, 2017 RT @brianschatz: GOP Budget Director says there's not enough data to justify feeding hungry children. And that's the difference between the parties.
March 18, 2017 RT @BraddJaffy: Despite President Trump's tweets and statements, countries don't “owe” money to NATO. That's not how NATO works.…
March 18, 2017 RT @samsteinhp: Tillerson’s position on press access should be insulting to every citizen who pays his salary. It’s a gross misunderstanding of his job.
March 18, 2017 RT @WestWingReport: .@RealDonaldTrump wants to treat veterans right. But proposed cuts to Meals on Wheels could hurt 500,000 of them. W…
0 CC17 CF104 AC319 AF0 TT#343 TT
March 9, 2017 RT @caryaspinwall: Oklahoma has been attempting criminal justice reforms similar to Texas since 2011, but special interests + people i…
March 7, 2017 RT @ZivaBranstetter: Former records director @ Tulsa jail testifies @TCSO told her & others to falsify inmate medical charts to pass audits. #elliottwilliams
February 5, 2017 RT @Audi: Progress is for everyone. At Audi, we are committed to equal pay for equal work. #DriveProgress
January 26, 2017 RT @LindseyGrahamSC: Simply put, any policy proposal which drives up costs of Corona, tequila, or margaritas is a big-time bad idea. Mucho Sad. (2)
0 CC50 CF77 AC235 AF0 TT#344 TT
March 23, 2017 RT @DonPUMPhrey: W/ talks in FLA of mandatory interlocks on DUIs, we decided to #blog about it! Read it below! #wednesdaywisdom
March 22, 2017 RT @DonPUMPhrey: Are you following @ElectRonFlury on @Twitter yet?? If not, YOU SHOULD BE!! #wednesdaywisdom
March 22, 2017 RT @DonPUMPhrey: #DUI interlock bill passes the house in #Florida. What are your thoughts on this?? #wednesdaywisdom #FlaPol
March 22, 2017 Are you following @ElectRonFlury on @Twitter yet?? If not, YOU SHOULD BE!! #wednesdaywisdom
0 CC51 CF65 AC1,062 AF0 TT#345 TT
March 17, 2017 (Cont.) @SnoopDogg's video flag-"shooting" a clown @realDonaldTrump isn't advocating violence against him, despite those who misconstrue.
March 17, 2017 (Cont.) @SnoopDogg's video flag-"shooting" a clown @realDonaldTrump isn't advocating violence against Trump. Some crazies might misconstrue.
March 17, 2017 (Cont.) @SnoopDogg's video character lampoons a clown looking like Trump @realDonaldTrump. The video is sobering & 1st Amendment protected.
0 CC14 CF27 AC216 AF0 TT#346 TT
February 4, 2017 RT @radleybalko: Every NFL game is a 3-hr. commercial for American militarism. But your anger over black gloves at last year's 20-min halftime show is noted.
November 11, 2016 RT @JustinTrudeau: There's a blaze of light In every word It doesn't matter which you heard The holy or the broken Hallelujah #RIPLeonard
November 6, 2016 RT @Acosta: New Comey letter: FBI has not changed its conclusion regarding Clinton use of personal email server
0 CC28 CF83 AC263 AF0 TT#348 TT
March 15, 2017 Exactly. Listen to Ronny Raygun clearly identify Conservatism and Facism
March 14, 2017 "Always keep your booger hooker off the bang switch". Say it with me...
March 10, 2017 Evanston friends, head over to to find out how much you can save on your residential prope…
0 CC8 CF72 AC154 AF0 TT#349 TT
February 28, 2016 Konst Law offers Uncontested Divorce to save thousands in legal fees. #Divorce #LancasterNYLawyer Call: 716-601-1000
November 9, 2015 .@nomikikonst for Lonny. California's ballot could be a blockbuster next November
November 8, 2015 Use of pictures to make your point. Good job, Unknown.
0 CC30 CF112 AC354 AF0 TT#350 TT
0 CC22 CF32 AC113 AF0 TT#351 TT
February 26, 2010 Jeremy Richeys like Facebook.
February 26, 2010 Ten reasons why your lawyer doesn't return your calls. h/t:
February 20, 2010 New Post: Saved by Facebook.
0 CC4 CF114 AC283 AF0 TT#352 TT
January 16, 2017 The god of Islam is not the God worshipped by Jews and Christians; not the same god. #TheStoryOfGod #MorganFreeman
September 11, 2016 Hillary Clinton diagnosed with pneumonia
September 11, 2016 Clinton cancels trip to California after 'overheating' spell, pneumonia diagnosis via @USATODAY
0 CC122 CF348 AC2,069 AF0 TT#353 TT
March 3, 2017 Murray, Cantwell ask feds not to clamp down on state marijuana laws
February 27, 2017 “They will have an army of lawyers if they come at us. We are not going to go away quietly and not without a fight.”
February 21, 2017 Tell Your Congressional Representative: Join the Cannabis Caucus
0 CC57 CF249 AC845 AF0 TT#354 TT
March 10, 2017 Welcoming my newest grandson Jet!!!
March 10, 2017 Can you love a priest?? Is that even OK?????
March 9, 2017 And then I'll light my pants on fire during closing...
0 CC10 CF34 AC3,348 AF0 TT#355 TT
November 4, 2016 Gotta Love lawyers today and everyday #loveyourlawyerday
November 4, 2016 A great day for all lawyers #LoveYourLawyerDay
August 31, 2016 ???? off the press:Law Review Radio Newsletter #41. Legal News You Can't Use & Tucson Happenings' publisher David Francis ttp://
0 CC54 CF1,056 AC2,063 AF0 TT#356 TT
March 15, 2017 Every now and again someone is released from jail by mistake. Many people flee at the first opportunity, he didn't.
March 7, 2017 Movie night anyone? Like and share. Winner announced on Friday. #megaplex
March 7, 2017 When you get to court a half hour before your hearing is scheduled...
0 CC14 CF75 AC313 AF0 TT#357 TT
March 10, 2017 RT @TODAYshow: Kids crashing dad's live interview is the best thing you'll see today
February 26, 2017 RT @WCBD: Nearly 200 storm chasers spell out Bill Paxton's initials using GPS coordinates in Tornado Alley
November 2, 2016 RT @RaysFanGio: 2016 World Series. Cubs vs Indians And then the world will end with the score tied in game seven in extra innings #apocalypse
October 9, 2016 RT @Live5News: Haley: Charleston, Dorchester, Beaufort & Jasper Counties close schools, gov't offices Monday. #HurricaneMatthew #chsnews
0 CC29 CF18 AC17,154 AF0 TT#358 TT
February 6, 2017 Facing Multiple DUI's, issues & consequences discussed:
January 16, 2017 DUI for Consuming Caffeine in California?
January 3, 2017 Understanding California Kidnapping Laws:
December 19, 2016 As in our interview: no surprise "Judge Cleared of Misconduct for Sentence in Stanford Case"
0 CC176 CF240 AC1,127 AF0 TT#359 TT
February 27, 2017 State Trooper films hilarious PSA about this major vehicle safety feature called a "turn signal."…
February 24, 2017 RT @FhpOrlando: The first thing to do after you get into a crash is #StayAtTheSceneFL and #CallforHelp! It is the law and the right…
February 24, 2017 RT @NACDL: A Texas DA is attacking another Texas DA for not being tough enough on pot @radleybalko @WPTheWatch @washingtonpost
0 CC5 CF1,252 AC1,722 AF0 TT#360 TT